Music at First Presbyterian Church

Ministry Through Music and Visual Arts

     God, our creator, who is ever creating, has made us in an image of holy creativity. Our congregation values the variety of ways that people learn, pray, worship, celebrate, and express themselves. You are invited to engage your creative energies with us through music, visual arts, literature, floral arrangement, drama, or movement.

     Our Chancel Choir of adult and younger singers offers music for worship September through mid-May. They rehearse at 9:10 am on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary. These include each Sunday in the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Holy Week to Easter Day, and every other Sunday during other seasons.

   Our music styles range from classical to global, from gospel to jazz, from traditional to bluegrass. We share words and music that supports worship and spiritual growth. All are welcome for a short season or longer participation. Contact the Director of Music or Organist for more information.

    The Church Street Ringers, our small handbell ensemble, rehearses and plays for services regularly from

September to mid-May. There is always room for another ringer, experienced or novice alike. Also, guitars, banjo, mandolin, piano, percussion, harp, and other string, wind, or brass instruments are welcome to accompany our congregational and choral singing. Occasionally small ensembles are brought together for special worship occasions. Our 1870’s pipe organ and recently refurbished Mason & Hamlin grand piano are played regularly for services, recitals, and concerts. Solo singers, small groups of singers or instruments, and guest artists join us during summer worship.

     To join us in music and art making, or support these efforts, visit with a member of the church Worship Team, the Director of Music (Katie Boardman), or the Organist (Peter




Buffalo, New York

The first mention of an organ in the First Presbyterian Church of Cooperstown is between the period of 1873 to 1875, when it was noted in a written history of the church in 1950, that a “new organ was purchased and placed in a loft, and the same organ is in use today”. This organ was built in 1874 by Steer & Turner of Springfield, MA, opus 83. George William Turner and John Wesley Steer (who began spelling his name Steere around 1890) received their organ building training in the Connecticut shop of William Allen Johnson (who formerly worked in a glue factory and a buggy whip factory). Johnson built pipe organs from 1847-1898, creating a total of 860 instruments. Turner and Steer opened their shop in 1867.


In a history of the church printed in 1975, it is so noted that, “In 1958 the organ was completely rebuilt and electrified by the Schlicker Organ Company and was dedicated in January 1959.” It was at this time that the organ console, probably of tracker action, was removed from the case-work of the organ and the current console was installed, with new action and a few stop changes. Herman Schlicker immigrated to the United States in the 1920s and founded his company in 1930. He died in 1974. The company changed hands in the early 1980s, again in 1992, and was finally acquired by Matters, Inc. in September of 2002.


In recent years, the entire organ was disassembled and cleaned, the Spitz Flöte rank was added to the Great division, and significant re-leathering of the bellows and other components was accomplished through the incredible generosity of a donor who has wished to remain anonymous.


For a more detailed history of the organ, from its’ first incarnation to the present, you may consult with Sidney (“Sid”) Chase of the Chase Organ Co. of Worcester (397-8008).



GREAT (unenclosed)
8 Principal
8 Gedeckt
8 Dulciana
4 Spitz Flöte
5 Octave
2 2/3 Quint
2 Octave
Mixture V
Swell to Great 16
Swell to Great 8
Swell to Great 4

SWELL (enclosed)
8 Flauto Traverso
8 Salicional
8 Aeoline
4 Principal
4 Rohr-Floete
2 Wald-Floete
8 Oboe
4 Schalmei Swell to Swell 16 Swell to Swell 4 Tremolo


16 Principal 16 Bourdon 8 Principal
8 Gedeckt 3 Octave
4 Gedeckt 4 Schalmei
2 Octave
Great to Pedal 8
Swell to Pedal 4


Crescendo General Pistons (4) (toe studs)
Great Pistons (3) (console)
Swell Pistons (3) (console)
Pedal Pistons (3) (toe studs)